Friday, August 5, 2016

Stay Watchful-

Why do people want you to be miserable?

Why do they insist on making your day bad?

Why can't they just sit back and enjoy their own lives instead?

Why does it consume them to the point of wanting you dead?

Why can't you have trustful friends to travel with and live?

Why does the enemy plot so hard to give them a heart set out just for you?

Why do they continually although they know it's wrong- still harbor and carry hate for you?

Is there some offense that you did?

These are the questions that arise in your head

You try to understand the situation just a little more better

But what if there is absolutely no cause for the action

Will you give them what they seek?

Your blood spilled out so all could see

Should you be like Abel

Trusting of the person and of the situation?

Absolutely Not!!!

Cain conspired and harbored ill

And he wasn't content or happy until blood was spilled

You simply have to move on and go your way

And hopefully these folks will see light one day

Hopefully they will learn to fix their heart on worthy things

Or maybe just fly a kite, listen to music or sit in the park instead

Hopefully they will learn how to enjoy their own lives

Hopefully they see that hatred is not what it's all about

Hopefully and I speak that lightly

Because it's sickness to desire to see and plot on those unlike you

But I guess as I write

Even beautiful storytales are filled with villains too

So Be Watchful and Discerning

Not everyone who says: friend, friend

Has the same heart and mind to just live happy, content & win

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Remaining Centered In The Midst of Storms

Just take a look at the photo
So dramatic, right?!

Lighting flashes
Danger Arises
Centered Path
The road is perfectly paved out for you to walk

Just the unsettling thoughts and knowledge that storms are brewing and coming from all over the place

Add to that...

That you have no knowledge for when the storms shall end
All that is seen....
Is storm after storm brewing or soon coming
Even the clouds give way to suggest a possible harm
Even the surroundings look grim and seems as if there is no light around

But if we pause and calm for a minute

We will also be able to listen for Divine Instructions

It is Manna for you

Food for your soul

Instructions so you may have guidance and peace within your soul

In relation to your road

Not another can be able to complete or even thoroughly understand what is meant for you

It's for your soul sake

Your survival

Your wellbeing

So although it may appear like disaster 

The Word imparted to you is what shall really preserve you and is what ultimately  matters

A Stamped  promise on your road

Your revelations given indicates- GOD Is With You

Right there!

Even if a storm comes and another one brews from almost out of nowhere

HIS word is the anchor of your soul

When traveling from faith to faith

There will be obstacles we must certainly face

Testings and Trials

Development and Wisdom

Courage and Faith

I even like how the picture still shows our paved out road that we forever take

We walking with Christ!!

And even when we can't see straight, to the left or to the right

Let your previous victory's serve as a sign

Let HIS instructions that HE gives you serve as a indication that- HE Is WITH You!!

Afterall, we are more than conquerors

What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If GOD is for us, who can be against us?

Like really- think on that for a few. What is an enemy in a camp where the ALMIGHTY rests? Just a test to see in whom you hope and continuously believe.

Psalms 16:10

HE will not let HIS faithful ones see the day of decay

And in regards to trials and temptations- 

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James1:2-4

Let these words encourage your soul and be reminded of Joseph and Job. Two faithful men who had to bear up and walk out their own turbulent roads but at the noticed. ..they win!

We Walking 💪

Because Turning Back Is Never An Option!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Dancer Takes A Rest

Yes, the dancer finally takes a rest
The dancer finally resolves to sit for awhile
The dancer is finally in her season of rest
Sometimes we can get so adjusted to moving and being that we forget that rest is equally important

It's the phase where you just sit back and meditate
Sit back to find out and calculate all on your plate
Sit back and just learn to be still
Haven't been here at this location in a couple of years
Nonetheless,  it feels great
It allows time in with GOD
All alone
No ringing phones
No social media contact
No planning this and planning that
No rush to get here
No rush to get back
Just rest
Handling just the necessary things on our own individual plates

This may possibly be a little difficult at first
But all great things have to have incubation time before birth
All great things require a move away from distractions and noise
All great things require 1st an absence of everything
While sitting with EVERYTHING
for a season or two
Heavenly Manna from ABOVE
just for you

I'm Resting!

Friday, April 15, 2016

As Sweet As Can Be

The hearts of the wise make their mouths prudent, and their lips promote instructions. Gracious words are a honeycomb , sweet to the soul and healing for the bones. Proverbs 16:23-24

That day she decided to place a little sugar in her cup
She was both sassy and sweet
Strong and weak
As all human beings
She didn't have to respond to negative
She could only be responsible for her actions
She didn't have to try to understand their view
That would only allow excuses and give way for further abuse
All she had to do was place sugar in her cup
And continue her own healthy and positive thoughts
She didn't have to retaliate with words
Even if she was highly skilled with adjectives and verbs
She didn't need to take the stairs down for another to hear or see
She could just continue sitting as cute as can be
While adding more love or sugar to things
She could just simply do and perform as she was used to
Happy and pleasant
And it didn't matter if the individual could see it
All that mattered was that she was peaceful and free
And she didn't have to raise her voice to get the person to see
All she needed was a little more sugar in her cup
Say her words
Nice enough and direct
Walk away and continue singing, dancing and sipping.
Or just remain sitting and sipping quietly on the steps.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Break Molds

Sometimes enduring this world of ours
We will run up against some folks who will try to mold you after their own image
They will try to conform you after the mold they have set for you
They would want to place you in a corner so they can accurately place you
But Christ has called us to Life
HE knew exactly who He made and fashioned
HE knew the woman or man that you are
HIS only desire has been to change our hearts
Mold our thoughts
Still give us the freedom and liberty to express as we do
Whether that is dancing wildly through storms
Or laughing while we are growing
HE loves you just the way you are
Your comic ways
Your silly faces
Your singing in the rain
Your boldness of wearing your style- your way
HE loves you just the way you are
So never let others define you by their standards
Define you by their way of thinking
Define what you like and what you should be thinking
You are fashioned and made by HIS perfectly tailored hand
And if any don't like it
Well then....
That's their issues
Not reliant or dependent on them
Your life is in GOD's hands

So remember
Break a few molds
Never let them define you
Be beautiful as always
And remember to whom you belong to

Be beautiful and You!

I break molds, glasses, cages and prisons 😛

Live. Love.  Learn- 2016

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Frog Will Play Dead

The frog will play dead
You best believe it
He will try to manipulate and control your heart and thoughts
He will try to play games of deception
Will even try to play on your compassion
Here is the way that he can only remain
Because truth be told sisters, it's all one big game
He only desires to use for his purposes
Whether you stable than him
Whether you have a car
Whether you have potential and traveling far
He only desires to stay and be connected
He should just perform love
But theives and robbers form other objectives
The agenda is to steal your heart
And throw away the key
You will be so bound by this deception
Thoughts and thoughts and trying hard will be your thing
And that is how he shall win
By preying on your heart and your emotions
For that will help to create the bond
The longer you stay
The more you can't move on
The longer you stay
The more you get lost
The more you get diverted in purpose and plans
The better he becomes -" The Man!"

He is a child looking for a helping hand through life
His only desires are to gain you to help him excel in life
So pay attention
And dear
Listen closely....

If who you are yoked too
Can never get to point A
To Z or better yet B
Then know it is because you have some travelers who don't share the same heart and mind and agenda as you

Sure, they speak well
All great plans about future and stuff
The more you stay
You then become down on your luck

It's who you tied to
Learn the lesson
Grow and then move.

Time for the new- 2016

You Standing or Not??

In life there are always obstacles

That will never disappear

Board games are created with a goal in mind- Declaring a winner or a Loser

Track races also have the same goal

Gambling as well mimics the constants of life

Even A Simple Game of Jump Rope

Winning or Losing

Cartoons have the same

Opposition and Conflicts

Competitive Football Games

Basketball Games


Elementary School

Wildlife has the same

Opposition Is Just Apart of Life

Decide today and Right Now

If You Will Allow Opposition to Attack you and defeat you?

This decision cannot be made after opposition has already arrived

At that moment you will be too weak from battle to stand on any given side long enough to fight

Your heart, mind and actions are at its most compromised state at this stage

Obviously from heavy conflicts and enduring weights

And from having no forethought planned ahead on how you will navigate

So right here and now

Decide to be victorious in life

Right here, right now

Decide if you will Stand- cower or back down

Right here, right now

Determine to continue your road

Regardless of what comes and goes

Remember the most valuable and sustainable things will always be your stands and principles

Now are you standing or walking?

Winning or Losing?

Because As Stated

Opposition Is Always Present

So Change You and Your Viewings

To Be Able To Conquer Things

Presented To You!

If a man doesn't stand for something, he will perish as a result so prepare now for the fight to be victorious in this life thereof.

As for me and my household, we will stand victoriously with Christ!

With Scars Present

With Scars

He committed to continue his path

With rips present to skin

He vowed to finish in a glorious win

With scraped up knees

The warrior then decided

He would become Strength

He willed to win!

One day at a time

One battle at a time

One problem at a time

And even when the will weakens

He presents thoughts to help him not cave in

No matter the battle

No matter the time

No matter the circumstance

He vowed to make it out

Well, healthy and alive

Much to do and see

Even if that was a day of complete freedom

To think

Others have endured quite worse

Had endured scars that never depart

Wounds that cut much deeper than his

So he meditated to mind

Strength, Courage and Hope was all he had to be


One day at a time

Until his moment of victory and shine

Live.  Love. Learn- 2016

On The Path

On the path

There are storms, conflicts and evils

Some breeded on command

Some indebted in the hearts of men

Some just has to happen

Preparation for future wise encounters- I say!

Preparation to ensure proper direction

For one who has stayed in the home of trouble

They reach towards a home of peace

If in fact that soul can now discover and see

True life and appreciate his own soul, progression and being

One who has thrived in pain

Soon comes to a valley of beauty

They vow to never partake in unnecessary conflicts again

One who has slept in distress

Soon travels to locations free of mess

They ate from that tree to now know accurately that their lives cannot continue that path

They rather pursue good and noble purposes

So soul, mind and heart can last

So we gather

That every one of our present and future encounters

Is merely building and defining the further beauty and character of mankind

Just takes the reserve and will to decide on which roads

Not many shall discover

but we know

That since life began

fools have always perished

From not carefully following pure and wellfull instructions

Generations often repeat defeat

Cycles turn and may very well pursue you

I've discovered

It takes a forever learning and moldable being

One walking aligned with Christ

To decide to learn enough to then do differently

May each of our paths provide us happiness, joy, peace and wellness

I am my brother and sisters keeper

Peace. Love. Live. Learn

What Becomes of The Man??

What becomes of a man when his view is dismal?

When his eyes place physical sight on dread?

What becomes of the man who rather not lay in surroundings thereof?

He should then place his sights on that of ABOVE

Allow Hope and Faith to reside within his blood

The eyes of his heart should guide him away

So that the physical eyes do not determine his proper place

What becomes of the man if that becomes his practice?

He shall then be ushered away

To a place that his heart can safely and peacefully escape

Soon after practice comes beauty that cannot be erased

What is known regarding the man is really of no importance

The main ingredient only needed would be he desires to be under peace, hopeful and loving surroundings

So wellness and pleasantries internally spring forth

And that man

Shall become that which is internally 1st

A man who is determined to travel well in peace. He displays that which he is faithfully inwardly then outwardly abroad

That becomes of the man

 Blessed is the onewho does not walk in step with the wickedor stand in the way that sinners takeor sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,which yields its fruit in seasonand whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers. - Psalm 1:1-3

A Man

A man desires to be remembered

To hold place in someone's memory bank

To know that they lived

To signify their mere existence and significance

A man desires to be ranked

Whether rankings of high or low

A man desires to be known

For even at passing

A man would love to hear great and encouraging things

Things that bring smiles upon faces

Things that states- Here was a valuable and well thought about man

Things that signify for his time on Earth wasn't wasted

While alive

A man desires to be noticed as that of prime

High quality

Beautiful remarks regarding his living


To men, often resembled as Strength!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Name Her Beauty!

When you can't figure her out or define her

Just name her beauty!

Even if she thinks different from you

Just name her beauty!

Even when you can't place her in prisons or molds

Just name her beauty!

When her colors doesn't match your own

Just name her beauty!

When she doesn't fit in with your expectations & thoughts

Just name her beauty!

She is her own style

Her own way of breathing

Her own definition of beauty

Her own uniqueness

Her own color

Her own individual beauty

She doesn't need to fit in

You didn't create her from the beginning

You didn't shape her or mold her

She stands as Truth

Beauty and All Alone

She could be colorful and bright

For beauty is her Light

She could travel from here to there

Perform here and there without a care

Love all she comes in contact with

Flow to her own individual beat



Not To Forget To Name Her  Beauty!

Friday, April 8, 2016

This week

This week I have given much thought about equals.
Displayed in the picture below, you begin to see two birds looking similar of kind.
Two birds which appear equal.

But at last, equality is not merely the illusion of looks. Equality pertains to very important things.

Before one connects with a soul for equal flight,  there are somethings that must be brought to light.

Equality in hope. Equality in faith. Equality in virtues. Equality in principles. Equality in missions. Equality in goals. Equality in wisdom. Equality in spiritual development. Equality in life.

Yes, before you take another as your bird of the same feather make sure that you both are equal. Anything less will have you in a long drawn out sequel.

To love is human. To love and to be equally headed in the same direction is DIVINE.- Nlisah

A team is only best once two workers are working towards the same goals and missions in mind. - Nlisah

With my writing of this I have today discovered that...

A man must be rich in character as I am to have me

Rich in GODLY attire

Rich in GODLY characteristics

Rich in wisdom wealth

Rich in honesty

Rich in practicing TRUTH

Rich in principles

Rich in pledges made or that extended

Rich in values

Rich in building up people

Rich in love

Rich in hope

Rich in faith

Rich in the battle of faith

A man must be rich to be that of my equal

And anything less will be me accepting desperation and defeat!

So today I stand strong and meditate to mind to retrieve nothing less than my equal in life.

Live. Love. Learn 2016

Thursday, April 7, 2016


Perhaps she sees beauty in life
Perhaps she understands more
Perhaps she appreciates the simpler things
Perhaps she holds Hope close
Perhaps she uderstands it's needed for the road
Perhaps she is full of faith
That each day brings new development and news
Perhaps she is simply content
With the fact and knowledge
That life breathes upon her
Wisdom visits her
Hope develops her
Peace instilled within her
Eyes stay close to all that matters
And for certainly with this everyday practice
Comes new lungs and breathe
New hope and the fine appreciation of a beautiful and wonderful day
She Sees!

Live. Love. Learn 2016

Sunday, March 27, 2016


This week I was able to do a few paintings.

Although my edits are now ready to complete- I felt like doing something different this week. Groupon offered a $20 art supply pass for $10 dollars. That's a deal!

I never explored the realms of painting and sketching but I love the arts so I figured why not?!

It was fun! Painted one painting in colorful circular designs. It's even displayed in my living room right now.

Then I painted a portrait of a woman. I named that one - She Speaks! Out of the portrait, I have words flowing out of her mouth - Peace, Faith, Love and Hope. For my very 1st time doing a portrait painting-  it's not bad!

That will also be going up on my wall somewhere.

So that was the brief highlights of my week. Exploring the artistic side of drawing and painting.

So should you- go do something fun, interesting and artistic!

Live. Love. Learn 2016

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Presence of Life

One of the things I love the most
Is seeing and witnessing
Life present in folks

The Presence of Life

These things are our thoughts
Our ideas
Our hope despite all things
Our laughter
Our faith
Our joy
The very things we find value in

Our functioning and operating
Our distinctly given names
Our principles that we stand on
Our way of living and being
Our survival mechanisms

The Presence of Life

A long time ago
I was able to witness souls enclosed in hidden environments
Who had no presence of Life within
It was mesmerizing as I sat to just witness

There was no life
No thoughts
No ideas
No different functions
As night turned to day
No laughter
No nothing

No Presence of Life

No hope
No joy
No faith
No noise

Just souls drafted in skin
With no presence of Life within

No different mindsets
No speech
Nothing to set them apart to say...
"See! Here is the presence of Life for this being!"

There was nothing
Just darkness, one could say
And the worst part of all
I don't believe they knew it was dark on any day 
They stayed lifeless and systematic routines became their way

Life and new day was possibly long ago thrown away
I do not truly know
All of their stories to say
But one thing was certain
Life and the presence thereof...
Wasn't displayed

So after witnessing such an experience as this
I love to see the presence of Life displayed
Even if my thoughts don't line up with theirs
Even if my voice don't speak the same
We were all made different
A distinct uniqueness
A beauty to behold
GOD given life beings

The Presence of Life
Will always remain a beautiful thing

Monday, March 14, 2016

Never Settle!

 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. - Matthew 6:34

Often when traveling from one level unto the next,  one will experience the strong sensation to just give up.

Often the discomfort associated with our changes will have us to believe that this will be a continual battle.

Well, I implore you to not settle or give up. Keep enduring!
Keep faith!
Keep hope!
Keep the path!

The discomfort is associated to represent a changing occuring. A new phase on the way. A new beginning getting birthed.  A new environment.  All things new will soon be presented if you just determine now that you will not settle or cave in.

Besides don't allow all your sowing to be in vain. Don't allow your crops to be destroyed. Your hope must endure and sustain. Your heart must be ready to walk in your way. Your faith must be ready to climb to the next level.

It may possibly involve some discomfort or pain. And we just determine right now- whatever we have to go through to be better , LORD I am with you!!!

So let's go! No settling or caving on the road. We have beautiful and great lands waiting for us to continue.

We may just have to focus on today only to continue to walk on. Don't focus on tomorrow because tomorrow may be too much for you to bear. Just today be willing and committed. Just today be hopeful and planted. Just today trust the path. Just today be ready to not settle.

Live. Love.Learn- 2016

Friday, March 11, 2016

HE is...

Saw this picture with its vibrant colors and thought... Yes, this is nice! Later came exactly what my mind would think of for what I wanted to express.

Each color represents so many dimensions in life.  From pain, courage, hope, faith, love, learning, growing,  forgiving...etc. I will just stop there because truly the list can go on for days.

And then I thought about how GOD shapes all those colors together for HIS purpose in mind. HE brings us from the negative zone into the correct and positive zone.

HE brings us from our act of forgiving others-  gifts of beauty. Our gifts become a perfect and moldable heart that HE can use and do beautiful things to. And who knew, it even includes our healing.

Our pain, HE turns into victory.  We hand HIM pain in the form of our prayers and releasing all our heart to HIM over that thing and Bang! Suddenly comes a day where for our pain- HE hands us beauty. That beauty comes in so many different forms. Lessons learned, wisdom, change, hope and sometimes HE even has a few folks pay dearly for their wickedness committed on us.
There's beauty- vindication but from the LORD's hands. And the greatest thing is sometimes we can help another out who is experiencing similar on their road.

I could go on for days off of the many things that HE does but check out the picture once more!!

Once all the colors forms a rainbow of colors.  And I don't know about you but rainbows signify promises!!!

So there! HE creating something.  HE up to something.  HE forming something. And best believe when HE is done....possibly our promises given comes!

I love it ! 💫

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Profession tied to Passion

Well, it's true!

What do you love to do?
What's the thing that you would even do for free?

Because your heart is so committed- it's almost identical to you.

For the painter- it's his passion and often his pain.
He will work all night and day just to create.
And may don't even make a dime for the detailed painting
So what's in it for him?
Why does he do the thing so vigorously and hard?
Because it's connected to him

It's a way that he heals
Painting allows him to speak
It displays all that he is and think
It's an one of a kind
It captures and details his heart and mind
It states- I was here!
I was born in this world for this thing here
It states here is how I operate and behave

And let's say a day came where he finally gained his 1st customer
Well, that would be his happiest day
Even if for his work he just received a penny that day
Passion is tied to profession

Take the woman who desires to help others out and encourage
She spent her life prior to that day developing
She learned valuable lessons and gained priceless inspiration from ABOVE
Now she gets on a mission of spreading that love
She remembers herself
Remember her prior location
She remembers that she needed Christ's guidance and friendship
Heck, she still do
And behind that
Is why she do what she do

She receives no true monetary value for her labor
The reward for her is that another soul elevates and be better
She is her most happiest then
And she counts all forgotten
Even if she had to gain scars to help another win

She remember her own life
So she writes and motivates
Spends time and energy to plan things accordingly
Many late nights and early mornings
Just to hope one can be better one day and see

But it's all worth it
Because as I stated before

Profession is often times tied closely with passion

And having passion so strong
May very well never leave you alone
It can cause great pain and even suffering
On that one day of joy
Everything prior will appear almost like nothing

Because the two coincide
And profession is tied to passion
So as always with everything
She keeps hope, faith and love strong
So tomorrow she can continue on!

The splashes and beauty of life
Hope. Faith. Love

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Well Yesterday I Finished..

Yesterday, I finally finished the book I have been working on for at least a year or so.

It's filled with short stories,  poems and even have a few memoirs attached.

This was a difficult one to complete. I guess it was difficult for me because I was portraying heavy messages. Maybe because a few glimpses of my life lessons were also involved in the process.

And processing lessons which initiated as pain is probably not to fond to look at during your own process to move on.

Anyway- it's now just awaiting the editors approval.

My 1st book was just a splash of poetry writings that I had. It detailed my life and thoughts in poetic expression. There was no clear process for it. I just placed the poems I liked and felt the most all together. I really more than anything just wanted to create. I had so many personal journals laying around that I made myself publish some expressions from them. Sort of like a complete this task Now..type of thing.

But Life, Trials and Love is my new baby. I wanted to show life.  I wanted to display life for others. I wanted to give heart and mind to the characters. I wanted to display my funny side. I wanted to express my girlfriend's personality after her recent death. I wanted to document the folks at the homeless center who let me see their stories. I wanted to draw lessons. I wanted to share about those who passed on and even those who breath today but still a small death has occured within them. I wanted to touch on the beauty and power of love.  The power and beauty of hope. The stories are great. There is even a suspenseful  mystery short story inside.

Quite mysterious and you will still be in suspense after you read it.

This one here is beauty!

#A little tidbit for you-
The short story most like myself is entitled- Jazzy Stars. A accurate short story on a chapter in my own life.  Such beauty, hope, faith and love.

Well enough about the book. After the editor does what he's ready. And after that will come another plan of action to create.

Nope, I'm not telling you now, you just have to wait.  But this one will also be great.

Us Creatives Rarely Have Tidy Minds because we think, problem solve, investigate, research, prioritize,  delegate, fine tune, plan, create and we can't forget we actually do function as well in all our given roles- mother, granddaughter, friend, encourager, supporter and employee etc.

But....Our Beauty Gets Displayed Once We Create!!!

So let's go creatives...let's create.

So True Right? ?!!

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Another Instagram Photo

Well, here is another Instagram photo I saw. It grabbed my attention instantly.

It displays hope in my mind. Ready and prepared to conquer a day. Eagerness. Determination. Victory even.

It says despite all we been through we can still stand. Still be great.  Still be able to climb all those steps of life and actually still stand at the top to declare- After all I went through I am here and standing.

Thank GOD!

Live.Love.Learn - 2016

Well..Guess What I did today?

I finally went back to my unedited book. I finally finished one of my short stories.

For a minute-  I couldn't write or go back to the book. I even started thinking and making moves towards the new book I am making.

But with the move on - it still felt like I was leaving my hard work behind. Like I was abandoning it somehow. It holds such significant meaning in my life. It documents a few of my own struggles throughout life. It has my funny side also in it. It details my best friend who died recently. It has so much character, love,  hope and joy that it was going to be a great disappointment for me if I couldn't complete it.

Now thinking back- I believe since so much of the book documents my life in the folds,  maybe that was why I had to pause on it.

Well anyway, today I completed a section.

Stay tuned for - Life, Trials & Love.

Tomorrow I will complete a little more too. Determined!

I had to jazz it up a bit and add some R& B tunes to the mix to get going. Stevie Wonder station on Pandora. Worked wonders today!!!

Friday, March 4, 2016

It Was There-

Today a fellow writer happened to read and awknowledged an old post that I wrote. So old that I even forgot the words placed inside.

As I read, my mind then soared back to that time. The visual was so clear as I read- tears dropped.

The Pain.
The Tears.
Her Soul.
Her Heart.
Her Story.

I guess he just reminded me again of my passion.

It was there -

Now Entering. ...

Along will come a time where more strength, courage and wisdom is needed than before.
It's always been present but now next levels require a bit more.
More courage to walk in the path that is set.
You have never been there before so that fear will try to sit by you and rest.
The thoughts will come to make you cave.
Or maybe just the thought... Where I am at today is okay!
But that only comes because new is often frightening.
It requires complete faith and your path will be ordered.
A step by step process.
Where you won't be able to predict what's next.
But trust and believe. ..
HE has this thing all worked out
It will just require of you to display courage about
This you will need
When leaving the past and old things.

And how can we forget strength.
Relates to enduring and finishing
This too will require more than before
New doors open cause you ready now to soar
And all the strength that you do not have
HE will grant you what's needed
As long as you have that courage

And wisdom! !!
Yes, yes, yes
How can we forget.
More wisdom is needed than before on this particular trip
Reason being
You traveling to new lands
And will encounter quite a few folks who might possibly not desire for you to stand
It will be also needed to discern a few things
Prior associations you might have had
Cannot enter with you regarding this thing
Remember a walk is a walk
Your life and purpose is according to HIM
And sometimes just sometimes
You have to leave a few things
To reach heights and forward towards a better you

But most importantly
The thing you must know
That if you have the faith and courage

HE will do everything else for your road!

Here is too more courage, strength and wisdom being performed more on our next road.

Live. Love. Learn -2016

Discover The Yellow During The Travel

Each day awake with new and positive thoughts
Each day take a moment to reflect on positive stuff
Things that are true
Things that are of good report
Things to appreciate
Things to look forward to
Things that remind you of purpose too
Things of great in regards to health
Things that are great in regards to your life
Things that Christ gave when He granted new life
Discernment of things
Hope and Joy
Favor and Grace
And even the fact that you have this new day
The wisdom
The strength
The courage within
Are all things to be thankful for while traveling closer to win
The heart has peace
And disturbances doesn't affect what's placed in

So take the moment out to reflect and look closely to discover the yellow during the travels.

Live. Love. Learn- 2016

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Sometimes The Colors Will Be Mixed

Well ...
I know you have gotten quite adjusted to the positive posts- not saying that this will not be because of course it will.

But often I try not to make mention of problems or issues. But sometimes we must speak up.

And sometimes there really are issues deserving of our attention.
Like do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good!!

A few months back- I needed these words. This life giving script. Surely,  I was about to slip. Devastation seemed to rule. War was breaking out in my own little life. Peace was at a stand still. You ever been there??

Feelings of being used and abused. Feelings that too many folks have done wrong to you. Feelings that you forgave and now moved on but people, people, people....I mean Come On!!! 😔

Have you been there before?

I am sure you have. Just as I was there a few months ago too- The Bible had the opportunity to pull me in for a finetuning.

And that finetuning came at the very precise time needed.

Romans 12:21

Do not be overcome (defeated, overtaken, ruled,  laid waste, destroyed, conquered ) by evil but overcome evil with good (purity, righteous, satisfactory in quality, )

When you examine the words in that way it sure showed me things. Will I allow wrong doings to conquer me in my life?

Will I allow evil motives and plots of others lay me to waste?

Will I allow another person to defeat me and rule over me with my conduct or actions?

We reread the word this way...I am sure you would also say No! I can't allow people or things destroy me. And when we make our minds up to not change who we are as a result of others...

We Win!!!!

No matter what anyone else thinks we win ! Our minds have accepted and conformed to the higher road! And that higher road always leads towards higher paths of greatness. And no insult now should make us trade in our ordered paths to Victory!!!

Sometimes the colors won't be yellow it could very well be an accumulation of mixed colors. Colors of green, red, blue (turmoil,  problems, pain) but as long as we remain on script. ..We Win!

Besides who defeats anyone who stands and walks with GOD! No enemy wins in the camp where the ALMIGHTY Rests!

Live. Love. Learn 2016

It's A Beautiful New Day

Nothing compares to the absolute beauty in and of life.

A new day to appreciate lessons from the past
A new day to change and perform better
A new day of creating memories and experiences
A new day of laughter and love
A new day to develop
A new day to commit to different practices both worthwhile and great
A new day to thoroughly appreciate everything on your plate
A new day to love
A new day to practice patience
A new to forgive
A new day to let go
A new day of hope
A new day of favor
A new day of grace
A new day to recover from your falls or mistakes
A new day to adjust your mind
A new day to change your thoughts or heart
A new day to heal
A new day to breath and learn to be still
A new day awaits
A new day of humbleness
A new day of victory
A new day to listen
A new day to take hold of wisdom
A new day to try new things and learn
A new day is born
A new day represents all of these things

I am just grateful to be apart of the new day! Hopefully you are too.

Live.Love.Learn- 2016

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Time for Change- or- Is It Pain?

Well check out the graphic picture I discovered on Instagram again. Another gem! It was on a friend's page. Maybe he made it or maybe he didn't but the words spoke volumes.

Too loud to ignore. Too loud not to reply a comment on his photo. Too loud not to share the process also.

Each new level will require a new you!!!

Just reread that for a minute!

Absolute truth. But here is another truth that wasn't shared. That process will cause pain. It's pain involved whenever growth comes.

Remember your child teething or maybe you witnessed a small baby in the process of teething. They were enduring pain to have a few teeth finally sproat up. No method could prevent it all we could do was ease it temporarily.  You know teething rings, Orajel and the like.

And It Rings- All change will require pain!

Each new level will require a new you!!!

Remember child birth? Or maybe you witnessed or saw a video relating to childbirth. Birthing something required pain. New Life required pain. New beginnings require change. And changing definitely feels like pain.

But just like that baby who was cutting its early signs of teeth- new beginnings came. Such a new beginning that no more milk substance was needed. Time for the big boy or big girl league now.

Such a new beginning and change that solid food was now the proper food to give unto that child. No more mashed potatoes- some meaty substance was now a need.

Such a change where even their diets changed. Speech came. More developed practices ensued. Habits practiced. From laying to crawling to all of a sudden one day walking!!

So indeed, as we just studied up close- the pain is just a momentarily suffering that for surely cannot compare to the later and more everlasting glory.

It's just a thing that we must go through but good news is after the pain.....

Here Comes The New!!!

Every New Level Will Require A Different You- and let's not forget....

Every different you involves change and every change carries with it a little discomfort or pain!

But Beauty and New Awaits so Let's Continue!!

Remember In your struggle against sin, you have yet to resist in the shedding of your own blood. Hebrews 12:4

Live.Love.Learn. 2016

HE Speaks- Trust The Process

So while strolling through my old and ancient Instagram, I noticed this old post. At 1st glance I laughed. I made this while I was stuck at the auto mechanics for hours.

When I say hours, I mean a whole 8 hour shift!! I wanted to leave desperately.  I just wanted the mechanic to hurry and do a quick fix.  Just let me come back another day- I even requested of him.

To no avail !!! He wasn't hearing of it. So in my frustrations and in my attempt to make light of this ordeal- along came this joke.

As I reread it today though- the words then had a deeper meaning. A more spiritual meaning.  A meaning relevant for both you and me while we are walking and carrying on in life and business.

You know them times where GOD places us in sheltered protection?
Sheltered development?  Hidden almost from the world? Just resting and regaining our strength back moments? Or just sitting quietly resting before HIM?

You also know that after awhile of waiting on GOD , we also get a little impatient. We drastically and desperately just want to move from one location to the next. Go from one area to the next. Maybe leaving pain to go to joy. Maybe leaving our homes to get to a bigger and better one. Maybe one church to another. Maybe leave one job to gain another.

We all have different needs and things. But check out the message!!

Just as that mechanic said to me on that day- Not until everything is in working order. Not until the process is complete. Not until everything that needs to be done is done. Not until everything is worked out.  Not until I let you know it is time!!!

Wisdom SPEAKS!

So although we may be stuck or rather feel like we are in one phase of life wayyyyyy too long- trust the process! Trust the mechanical process involved. Trust that everything spoken over your life- shall and will come to pass.

So exhale time now- you in that season for a reason. No more fighting your way out. You can't cry or complain your way out.  Nope, you can't talk your way out of this one!

But guess what you can do - Let Go and Let GOD! And "learn" to trust the process. One Day At A Time.


The Look of Victory

It's the look of victory today.
Victory in remaining steady on things.
Victory in not giving up.
Victory from remaining on hope.
Victory on remaining steady on your goals and plans.
Victory on practicing love with everyone you meet.
Victory for not accepting any momentarily defeats.
Victory for your faith.
Victory for pressing towards another day.
Victory for being not easily angered.
Victory in changing.

So celebrate!!!

It's A Brand New Month and You Just Experienced Daily Your Victories!

Live.Love. Learn -2016