Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Time for Change- or- Is It Pain?

Well check out the graphic picture I discovered on Instagram again. Another gem! It was on a friend's page. Maybe he made it or maybe he didn't but the words spoke volumes.

Too loud to ignore. Too loud not to reply a comment on his photo. Too loud not to share the process also.

Each new level will require a new you!!!

Just reread that for a minute!

Absolute truth. But here is another truth that wasn't shared. That process will cause pain. It's pain involved whenever growth comes.

Remember your child teething or maybe you witnessed a small baby in the process of teething. They were enduring pain to have a few teeth finally sproat up. No method could prevent it all we could do was ease it temporarily.  You know teething rings, Orajel and the like.

And It Rings- All change will require pain!

Each new level will require a new you!!!

Remember child birth? Or maybe you witnessed or saw a video relating to childbirth. Birthing something required pain. New Life required pain. New beginnings require change. And changing definitely feels like pain.

But just like that baby who was cutting its early signs of teeth- new beginnings came. Such a new beginning that no more milk substance was needed. Time for the big boy or big girl league now.

Such a new beginning and change that solid food was now the proper food to give unto that child. No more mashed potatoes- some meaty substance was now a need.

Such a change where even their diets changed. Speech came. More developed practices ensued. Habits practiced. From laying to crawling to all of a sudden one day walking!!

So indeed, as we just studied up close- the pain is just a momentarily suffering that for surely cannot compare to the later and more everlasting glory.

It's just a thing that we must go through but good news is after the pain.....

Here Comes The New!!!

Every New Level Will Require A Different You- and let's not forget....

Every different you involves change and every change carries with it a little discomfort or pain!

But Beauty and New Awaits so Let's Continue!!

Remember In your struggle against sin, you have yet to resist in the shedding of your own blood. Hebrews 12:4

Live.Love.Learn. 2016

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