Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Name Her Beauty!

When you can't figure her out or define her

Just name her beauty!

Even if she thinks different from you

Just name her beauty!

Even when you can't place her in prisons or molds

Just name her beauty!

When her colors doesn't match your own

Just name her beauty!

When she doesn't fit in with your expectations & thoughts

Just name her beauty!

She is her own style

Her own way of breathing

Her own definition of beauty

Her own uniqueness

Her own color

Her own individual beauty

She doesn't need to fit in

You didn't create her from the beginning

You didn't shape her or mold her

She stands as Truth

Beauty and All Alone

She could be colorful and bright

For beauty is her Light

She could travel from here to there

Perform here and there without a care

Love all she comes in contact with

Flow to her own individual beat



Not To Forget To Name Her  Beauty!

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