Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Remaining Centered In The Midst of Storms

Just take a look at the photo
So dramatic, right?!

Lighting flashes
Danger Arises
Centered Path
The road is perfectly paved out for you to walk

Just the unsettling thoughts and knowledge that storms are brewing and coming from all over the place

Add to that...

That you have no knowledge for when the storms shall end
All that is seen....
Is storm after storm brewing or soon coming
Even the clouds give way to suggest a possible harm
Even the surroundings look grim and seems as if there is no light around

But if we pause and calm for a minute

We will also be able to listen for Divine Instructions

It is Manna for you

Food for your soul

Instructions so you may have guidance and peace within your soul

In relation to your road

Not another can be able to complete or even thoroughly understand what is meant for you

It's for your soul sake

Your survival

Your wellbeing

So although it may appear like disaster 

The Word imparted to you is what shall really preserve you and is what ultimately  matters

A Stamped  promise on your road

Your revelations given indicates- GOD Is With You

Right there!

Even if a storm comes and another one brews from almost out of nowhere

HIS word is the anchor of your soul

When traveling from faith to faith

There will be obstacles we must certainly face

Testings and Trials

Development and Wisdom

Courage and Faith

I even like how the picture still shows our paved out road that we forever take

We walking with Christ!!

And even when we can't see straight, to the left or to the right

Let your previous victory's serve as a sign

Let HIS instructions that HE gives you serve as a indication that- HE Is WITH You!!

Afterall, we are more than conquerors

What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If GOD is for us, who can be against us?

Like really- think on that for a few. What is an enemy in a camp where the ALMIGHTY rests? Just a test to see in whom you hope and continuously believe.

Psalms 16:10

HE will not let HIS faithful ones see the day of decay

And in regards to trials and temptations- 

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James1:2-4

Let these words encourage your soul and be reminded of Joseph and Job. Two faithful men who had to bear up and walk out their own turbulent roads but at the noticed. ..they win!

We Walking 💪

Because Turning Back Is Never An Option!